Internet-Free Day

Posted byScott Posted onJanuary 29, 2004 Comments0

I missed this one — Jan 25th was International Internet-Free Day.

“It makes a lot of sense to use the web to tempt people away from the web”, say the Internet-Free Day crew, “It's a matter of reclaiming the web, using it for a different message, returning to its origins. The Internet did not start off as a vehicle for social isolation and damaged eyesight. That is what big business has done with it. It began as a medium for communication between researchers, a quick and simple way of exchanging information.”

“But it's so easy nowadays to get addicted to a half life in a virtual world, and to lose touch with your family, friends and neighbours. Yet we're creatures evolved from a tribal past and an annual Internet-Free Day on the fourth Sunday in January is a recognition of our needs for contacts out in the real world. Email and the Internet are just not enough.”
